About Me

My photo
antrim, antrim, Ireland
Hello and welcome to my blog. If you like flowers and gardens, housey stuff, food and banter, then this is the place for you. I am a decorative artist, florist and maker of things. I sell painted furniture, plants and crafts, through a local retail shop, in my native Ireland, and wedding flowers from home. I am married to a lovely patient man and have a smashing little girl. I blog for the fun of it. Thank you for listening.

Saturday 11 February 2012

Little Houses

I just love them in all their various guises. So when I found the above pattern for a knitted dishcloth on Pinterest, I was delighted. I am not the world's best knitter though and not one of mine ended up like the pattern, but who cares, I still have the prettiest dishcloths ever. You can find the pattern here.

I used two different cottons and preferred the one that was a bit thicker as it made a slightly larger and chunkier cloth. It was very easy and quick to do.

I also rather admired the first picture of little red houses that I also found on Pinterest, and decided to have a little go at making some tags. Here's my efforts.........

They are very crude and simple but remind me of German or Swiss houses, and would do rather well for adorning Christmas presents. I used one or two on some food gifts for a friend.

I made some Apricot and Almond Macaroons, which are quite soft and sticky, but quite delicious. I also made Amaretti biscuits, which are flavoured with lemon and cinnamon and don't have that marzipan taste which I am not mad about. I am extremely pleased with these, as they taste and smell really good and are just the thing to serve with coffee. If anyone would like the recipes, just let me know.

I received in the post this week a most gorgeous giveaway from my friend Zuzu at A Cottage In The Woods. These little tags are copies of her original art printed unto tags that are only about an inch in size. They came in a little lacy envelope that Zuzu had made herself. They are so delightful and so special I shall have to think long and hard about how I can best use them. On her latest post Zuzu has found a very clever way to display hers, click on the link to see. I made an enlargement of the bee, so that you can see how adorable he is. Thankyou Zuzu!

Zuzu's lovely envelope gave me an idea for making a little pocket to put my tissue hearts in for Valentine's day.

I filled the hears with love hearts, with suitable messages for each of us. I will probably slip in some chocolate, as there is a bit of room in the pocket.

I do apologise for my very blurry pics of the other hearts I made. I stained some with coffee and I am not too sure if I prefer them clean and bright. The toile tissue paper looks like old toile fabric now though. Which do you prefer? I am not sure yet how I will use these. I might just scatter them over the table, or put them in a jar 'jar of hearts!' Or sew them into a garland. We don't really go in for Valentine's day in a big red  rosey way, but we shall have a cosy little romantic dinner at home (for three!) I think it is good to make a little space for some romance, without going O.T.T. What do you think about it?

Hoping you all have a lovely weekend, love Linda x (p.s. my larder cupboard isn't finished yet!)
The photographs are from Pinterest or my own.


  1. What a cute little houses and a very nice blog you have.
    You have a new follower in!!
    Because I really love England and its great stuff.
    With warm greetings from the Netherlands,

  2. Lovely post Lynda.

    Those little houses are so cute!

    Well done on making the dishcloth and tags
    you must be very crafty.

    Hope it isn't too cold today in Antrim,
    wet and miserable here but at least no snow!

    Take care

    x Fiona

  3. The knitted houses are wonderful and the Swiss/German houses as well. It's the crudness that makes them so pretty! The hearts are cute and made out of simple materials. That's what I like. How did you make them? Sewing? And what means O.T.T.? I am Swiss and not all that familiar with the English language... :o( Have a bright Saturday! Christa

  4. Oh Linda!
    The house dishcloths and your Valentines are DIVINE!

  5. Your hearts are so pretty....and I like both the clear, bright ones and the coffee-dyed ones. Two different looks - just great.

  6. I love your little house dishcloths, tags and Valentines, Linda! So sweet - I'm sure the food gifts were wonderful!

    I'm so glad your little envelope arrived! And by the way, the tags are not copies, but the original watercolors. I enjoy painting tiny! :) Hope you enjoy them!


  7. Oh so cute, you keep tempting me by mentioning Pinterest, but I am still not giving in. By the way we have had even more snow!

  8. You really have the most creative hands Linda! I really would not mind washing dishes if I had such a lovely 'house cloth' as yours to use. The tags and hearts are a great idea too, and I really love the one's that you stained with coffee.
    The picture of the painted driftwood cottages with nails for chimneys look to be from the artist Kirsty Elson. She has a blog called Sixty One A and website kirstyelsondesigns.co.uk
    If you scroll to the bottom of my own blog page there is a picture of one of her driftwood sculptures that I purchased from her.
    Thanks for popping back for a visit, it is always lovely to see you :)
    Love, Abby xx

  9. Linda, I've said it before and I'll say it again...you are so talented! I love your tissue paper hearts and think a "jar of hearts" is a wonderful idea.
    Your larder cupboard sounds just like my "Georgian" pine cupboard...it's getting there...
    Julie x

  10. oh lovely lovely things Linda..those house tags are gorgeous!!!..have a lovely heart filled weekend!!! kay

  11. Dear Linda,

    This is my first visit to your lovely space and I find a wealth of marvels in this post alone! I love your description of the sweetmeats you baked: apricot and almond are a marriage made in heaven.

    Your house theme is pretty and your washcloths decorated with your 'gingerbread' red house label make a perfect gift.

    Have a wonderful Sunday.


  12. I like all of these- nice little Valentine gifts and the love hearts are a good idea! When I saw the little houses in the top picture, I thought how much I would like one of those as an egg cosy or even a tea cosy. Or possibly matching ones!

  13. Your little houses are adorable! And so are your hearts.
    Have a sweet Sunday x

  14. I absolutely love little houses too, and love your selection of pictures. The ones at the top and the one you made make me think of iced biscuits....so pretty. And all the little hearts are lovely too.
    Have a happy crafty week, Linda.
    Helen x

  15. sweet little houses! Love the dishcloths, what a great idea.
    The little hearts you have made are so cute, I elike the red toile ones in your first picture - a lovely idea.
    Like you, any Valentines celebration here is usually a family affair, gone are the days of a romantic meal for two!
    have a great week Linda.
    Gill xx

  16. Hi Linda! It's me, ciao! I thought I posted a comment on the cute little bunnies, but it's not there! Never in all my life I saw bunnies more stylish than yours, all dressed in red and white, like cute little soldiers, having a hopping race! They are so cute!

    And I love the dish cloth, much too beautiful to be used!

    PS: Don't worry about the blurry pictures, Linda... we understand. Did you enjoy the Champagne? (bad joke!)



  17. Hello Linda

    You have been busy again and I love all the items you have created. Chez Linda will be the place to be on St. Valentine's Day. I love that you are including Lois in your romantic dinner. I am going out for lunch and then dinner at friends, where I bring a dish, on Valentine's evening.

    Happy Valentines Linda

    Helen xx

  18. Hi Linda!

    I know why I didn't see the comment on the bunnies: it was another of your lovely posts! They must have made an impression on me! You know? I was sure I had seen them again!

    Anyway... my brain tricked me! I feel so silly, now!

    The houses are so lovely, thogh! I want them all!




  19. Well, I am a fellow lover of small houses and have a collection of tiny ceramic ones, not Lilliput Lane, mine are all individual handmade by potters from all over the place, little houses found when on holiday or in antique places over the years. I love anything miniature, my husband's N gauge railway with tiny two inch engines, perfect in every way and detail. Love your hearts too.
    We don't go in for roses and cards and choccies on Valentine's Day, but still, after 35 years of marriage, we do something special together, a day out somewhere, a picnic, or a candlelit dinner.

  20. So absolutely beautiful, the loveliest blog, so glad I found you, through Martin and the Magpie!

  21. Hi Linda, I'm just catching up on your posts...been busy here in Melbourne visiting friends, being thrown surprise parties etc....I love you little hearts and your iced rabbits (hares)?...you're certainly giving that 'domestic goddess' label a good workout!! My favourite though are the dish cloths, they are very clever and I might even have a god at them myself when I get back to England. Keep warm, Robx

  22. Yes Linda, the croissant was O.T.T. (I learnt this abbreviation from you!) and the same applies to the walk. If you lived close I would invite you for croissants and coffee! Well, who knows one day... Have a good day! x Christa


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